Project Information
Argyle Native Forest Protection Project
Avoided Deforestation
The Rosser family which includes Gary Rosser and husband and wife duo Mike and Lucy Rosser, are becoming old-hands at carbon farming. They are also huge advocates of the regenerative benefits that carbon projects bring to agriculture businesses as well as the financial benefit for regional communities.
On Moolakar, their project is regenerating native vegetation through controlled grazing and feral animal management. With the support of the carbon money, even though the Rosser’s purchased the property during a drought, they were able to start infrastructure upgrades straight away, putting much needed money back into the local economy during hard times. They were also able to retain their station manager through the drought, and have employed new staff since it broke.
Their carbon project has given the Rossers the confidence to de-stock early when drought does hit, which allows the land to bounce back stronger afterwards. They have also been able to protect the biodiverse riparian zones that stock gravitate towards during drought, maintaining these areas as wildlife refuges for native species through the dry times.
Following the success of the Moolakar project, the Rossers purchased another nearby property in 2017, and quickly established a carbon project there too. The extra land has allowed them to better rotate grazing pressure across both properties and rest pastures more readily when required.
Having run three carbon projects across three properties in the past decade, the Rossers are convinced that carbon and farming work together to deliver positive outcomes for both the environment and agriculture.
Key Benefits
We support the UN Sustainable
Development Goals

Statistics - Argyle Native Forest Protection Project
Avoided Deforestation 1.1 Methodology Determination 2015
Registered ID
Date registered
March 2015
Project area
4,537 ha
100 years
Bourke, New South Wales