NaturePlus™: A scientifically robust biodiversity credit scheme that values real, measurable results for nature

NaturePlus™ is a world-leading biodiversity credit scheme, developed by GreenCollar, that applies a scientifically robust environmental accounting framework to inform and incentivise evidence-based decision-making to achieve positive impacts for nature.

NaturePlus™ generates certified outcomes in the condition of native ecosystems, which are valued and rewarded with transferrable NaturePlus™ Credits.

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Key benefits


NaturePlus™ Credits provide a meaningful pathway to support and maintain measurable action on biodiversity across a range of ecosystems and achieve nature positive outcomes that last.

Each NaturePlus™ Credit represents a one-hectare area of measured, audited and certified restoration or conservation of environmental condition over one year. The outcomes include:

  • Reduced loss and degradation of natural habitats
  • Improved connectivity and resilience of ecosystems
  • Improvement of native habitat and ongoing maintenance of healthy ecosystems and communities
  • Rewarding continuous nature positive land management
  • Incentivising adaptive land management practice long term
  • Creating opportunities to scale long term investment in nature positive outcomes
  • Reversing loss and degradation of natural habitat and species
  • Delivering independently audited and verified outcomes
  • Restoration and conservation of priority landscapes and species

Work with us


NaturePlus™ Projects are designed to bring new Credits to market that value and incentivise long-term and continuous gains for nature. Investment in NaturePlus™ Credits is available. Please contact us to find out more.