Darling River Eco Corridor 35
Darling River Conservation Initiative Site #12
For Christine Ferguson, the landholder of Myrnong near Bourke in New South Wales, the biggest benefit of running a carbon project has been income diversification. The additional revenue created by the project allows for more flexibility, reducing reliance on stock and even enabling her to remove stock when needed during dry spells.
Dungarvan Human-Induced Regeneration Project
Partnering with GreenCollar in 2015, the Leigo family began a carbon project focused on carefully managing domestic livestock to reduce total grazing pressure and enable previously suppressed native vegetation to regenerate. According to the Leigos, “Carbon farming under the Human Induced Regeneration model has transformed the way our business operates for the better. The grazing management required for our carbon project supports our livestock grazing business. It’s not a case of either carbon or livestock – they work hand in hand.”
Double Gates Native Forest Protection Project
As established farmers in the Western Division on NSW, Terry and Denise Dunne say that carbon farming has been a fantastic boost for the region, only wishing that it had come in earlier.
Glenrose Native Forest Protection Project
Glenrose lies east of Cobar in Western New South Wales. Back in 2008, Geoff and Julie Cowen got a permit to clear the property for grazing, but when they got to work, they found themselves stuck in an endless cycle of vegetation clearing and regrowth which was increasingly hard to manage. And despite the clearing for pasture, they were still having to bring in feed. “It just wasn’t a viable living,” says Geoff.
Claymore Native Forest Protection Project
For Barry Archer, implementing a carbon project has had a significant impact on the local environment – for the benefit of both the land and his business. Barry’s partnership with GreenCollar has not only made him more aware of how to protect his property, it has also helped him achieve and maintain a balance between productive agriculture and stewardship of native vegetation.
Etiwanda Native Forest Protection Project
When asked about their carbon project, Andrew and Megan Mosely are quick to point out that it’s been so much more than just a carbon project. For their Cobar-based grazing business, it’s been a complete game changer.
Darling River Conservation Initiative – Site #8
Everdale lies west south west of Cobar, NSW, in the Cobar Shire. The property is Site #8 in the Darling River Conservation Initiative and is approximately 14,601 hectares in size.