SYDNEY, 27 May 2013 –The GCS Methodology for Native Forest Protection (Avoided Deforestation) has been endorsed by the Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee, becoming the first of its kind under the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).
“Under the methodology landowners and land managers working with us will be able to create carbon credits under the CFI through activities that protect native forest that would otherwise have been cleared and converted to pasture or cropland,” said GCS CEO James Schultz.
“This methodology is critical given that native forest protection under the CFI is a key climate abatement policy for both the Government and Opposition.”
“We are very pleased to continue our history of leadership and innovation in the development of environmental markets in the agriculture and forestry sector, both in Australia and internationally. ”
Two years ago GCS won approval for its Improved Forest Management – Logged to Protected Forests methodology under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). This tool, also the first of its kind, has since been applied in Tasmania as well as internationally to generate income for land owners through sustainable forest management.
Landowners interested in applying the new native forest protection methodology must have a Government-approved clearing consent approved prior to 1 July 2010. For more information, call GCS at 02 9555 2631.