Sydney, NSW – 28 May 2017
Capricornia Catchments media
Carbon farming or storing carbon in vegetation and trees has become a valuable earner for some landowners. GreenCollar, a commercial carbon project developer, is therefore glad to join Capricornia Catchments in two workshops designed to help graziers adapt to a changing climate and emerging markets.
A spokesperson from GreenCollar, Mike Berwick, said senior staff will present at the workshop in the morning and will be available to talk collectively and individually to people in the afternoon session. GreenCollar is the largest carbon project developer in Australia, so far responsible for 61% of the abatement funded under the Australian government’s $2.5 B Emissions Reduction Fund.
“While carbon storage provides the sole income for these projects, GreenCollar believes delivering economic, social and environmental co-benefits is fundamental to the long term success of carbon as a new commodity for primary producers,” Mr Berwick said.
“So first and foremost a carbon project has to improve the profitability of the enterprise in the short and long term. Our projects have brought new, secure income to farm and grazing enterprises allowing land managers to diversify income and fund or renew infrastructure. “We also understand projects need to show measurable benefits to local economies, communities and the environment”
GreenCollar has been working with NRM, Catchment, community and industry groups to better understand how to improve the enterprise bottom line and at the same time deliver the wider benefits. The company has several projects in the Fitzroy Basin. The first meeting is June 7 in Rockhampton at the Frenchville Sports Club and the second on the 21st in Middlemount at the Middlemount Hotel.
Anyone wishing to discuss opportunities for their property or would like a workshop in their own locality are asked to contact Capricornia Catchments on 07 4921 0573 or David Moore on 0406 068 786
Media Contact
Mike Berwick – Senior Advisor GreenCollar Group
Ph: 0419 022 629
Email: [email protected]