GreenCollar’s commitment to Indigenous communities
As a purpose-led business we have made a commitment to:
- engage openly with traditional owners and communities
- work to the highest standards of free, prior, and informed consent
- work in partnership, to understand how our projects can best align with the aspirations of traditional owners
- be transparent and share information about our projects and operations
- ensure care and protection of cultural assets and information.
Engagement with Indigenous communities
Our corporate commitments to Indigenous communities include:
- engaging with communities and traditional owners to raise awareness about carbon farming, generally, as well as about specific carbon farming opportunities
- seeking consent of Native Title holders to carbon farming projects on pastoral leases
- co-developing carbon farming projects with traditional owners across various methods
- building co-investment and climate finance opportunities for traditional owners and Indigenous communities
- jobs, skills and training opportunities through support for existing and evolving programmes.
Pathways to drive climate finance directly to Indigenous peoples, traditional owners, and local communities
GreenCollar is a facilitating partner of the Peoples Forests Partnership (PFP), an industry first coalition that aims to mobilise private investment in community-driven forest conservation and restoration projects. It also aims to set a high standard for equitable, accessible and culturally appropriate mechanisms through which Indigenous peoples, traditional owners and local communities can engage with climate finance.
Find out more.

Healthy country planning
Where communities are interested, GreenCollar works in partnership with Conservation Management Pty Ltd to offer healthy country planning. This is a process designed to enable communities to articulate their vision and priorities for country, culture and people, and develop strategic targets to achieve that vision. Healthy country planning is a process that facilitates conversation and allows questions about benefits and risks to be explored and understood.