Project Information

Berangabah Yallock

Human Induced Regeneration

Bob and Leonie Sinclair don’t hesitate when asked why they started a carbon project: “We saw it as a huge benefit to the environment and to our property. And we thought about giving our kids and grandkids a better world to live in.”

The Sinclairs’ properties, Berangabah and Yallock, sit on the border of the Cobar Peneplain and the Murray Darling Depression. These properties are run together as a successful sheep and cattle grazing enterprise. Prior to the project commencing in 2015, feral animals and uncontrolled livestock grazing had suppressed native forest and prevented it from regenerating. Six years on, the project has delivered significant benefits for both the environment and the Sinclairs’ business, condensing ten-year business development plans into just a few short years, and allowing the Sinclairs to shape their property to their own vision.

Income from the carbon project has allowed fencing to be increased, and new cattle yards and trap yards have transformed the way the Sinclairs manage their livestock and feral goat population. They now have good water, good fencing, and good yards, so moving agistment stock on and off the property is easy, making the Sinclairs a preferred option for other landholders.

The Sinclairs have been able to purchase new machinery which has reduced running costs and increased efficiency, and they no longer have to worry about buying and selling markets or keeping stock in drought conditions because they have the safety net of their carbon money to fall back on.

What’s more, the Sinclairs say the property looks healthier with an enormous amount of regrowth. Bird life has also boomed with over 40 species around the homestead and across the two properties including Malleefowls, Wedge Tailed Eagles, Swans, Pelicans, Bowerbirds, Honeyeaters, Parrots, Cockatoos, Owls and more now calling Berangabah and Yallock home.

Key Benefits

Sequesters carbon to mitigate climate change
Delivers important ecosystem services
Promotes biodiversity and habitat for native wildlife
Allows investment in important infrastructure
Helps control feral animal populations
Improves business resilience
Creates opportunities in the local community through station upgrades

UN Sustainable
Development Goals



Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest -1.1 Methodology (2013) –varied 2016

Registered ID

Date registered

July 2015

Project area

14,339 ha


100 years


Cobar, NSW


[1] Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 Section 27
[2] Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest—1.1) Methodology Determination 2013  c1 Section 1.3
[3] Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest—1.1) Methodology Determination 2013  c1 Section 4.5
[4] Guidelines on evidence, stratification and records 8 May 2019
[5] Guidelines on evidence, stratification and records 8 May 2019
[6] The initial stratification was reported on prior to the public release of the Guidelines on stratification, evidence and records in May 2019. These guidelines also set out administrative arrangements for projects that have previously reported, including a pragmatic approach that will be taken in situations where additional evidence is required to meet these guidelines. Additionally, the project is defined as an existing project in accordance with Section 9AA of the CFI Rule 2015.
[7] Supplementary Guidance from the Clean Energy Regulator on 19 November 2014 allows participants to choose to combine several CEAs into one CEA. For example, where small CEAs are located next to each other and share common features.
[8] Forest cover assessment date has the same meaning as that given by section 9AA(6) of the CFI Rule.
[9] Guidelines on evidence, stratification and records 8 May 2019
[10] Guidelines on evidence, stratification and records 8 May 2019
[11] Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 Section 9AA(6)