Project Information
Lower Lila Native Forest Protection Project
Avoided Deforestation
Around 50km north west of Bourke in NSW, Lower Lila Station sits near the edge of the Warrego River. Heather Cameron has run a Merino sheep enterprise on the property for nearly 30 years, and recently started working with GreenCollar on an Avoided Deforestation project.
Heather now actively manages over 3,000ha of native forest and bushlands alongside her merino operation. The native vegetation includes Mulga, Coolibah, Bimble Box, Turpentine, Hopbush and Punty Bush and Heather reports seeing a lot more Geckos, Dunnarts, Bustards and Quails.
Heather plans to invest the additional revenue generated by the project back into both the property and the local economy, by upgrading infrastructure. She also envisages, creating local jobs to work on improvements and help with future mustering efforts.
With more income, Heather will also be able to improve fencing and waterpoints to spread grazing pressure and control feral animals. So while the forest continues to provide a home for native wildlife, it also promotes a heathier landscape across the board.
Key Benefits
UN Sustainable
Development Goals

Avoided Deforestation 1.1 Methodology (2015)
Registered ID
Date registered
December 2019
Project area
3,028 ha
100 years
Bourke, New South Wales