Project Information
North Queensland Conservation Initiative Site #3
Human Induced Regeneration
Kinrara Station sits at the source of the Burdekin River, where permanent spring-fed creeks wind their way through ancient lava flows to feed the rich soils of the crater valley. It’s a special place successfully combining cattle farming, carbon sequestration, and eco-tourism in one operation.
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Shane O’Brien, his wife Robyn, and their three sons, run multiple large beef herds across the region. They are also stewards of Kinrara Nature Reserve which hosts the ecotourism operation.
The O’Briens saw they could preserve and restore the native landscape through changes in land management practices, and that they could achieve this while still running a profitable grazing enterprise.
They switched from set stocking to timed, managed grazing to allow natural regeneration of native vegetation, this allows them to continue running between 4,000-10,000 head of cattle across the Station, depending on weather and time of year.
Kinrara Station borders Kinrara National Park – over 3,200ha of interconnected wetlands, which flow through to wetland protection areas and wildlife corridors on the Station. Native animals and birdlife thrive in the area, with over 195 bird species identified on the property.
The O’Brien’s HIR project supports this valuable ecosystem as well as providing investment in the local area, and training and employment opportunities for the local communities and Traditional Owners.
Key Benefits
UN Sustainable
Development Goals

Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest – 1.1 Methodology Determination 2013
Registered ID
Date registered
October 2020
Project area
5,797 ha
25 years
Mt Surprise, QLD