Project Information
Trilby Station Native Forest Protection Project
Avoided Deforestation
Going back seven generations to 1860, the Murray family originally purchased a 60 acre block of land for £60. Fast forward to the 21st Century and the Murrays have grown their stocking enterprise to over 129,500ha, and are combining their knowledge of the land with GreenCollar’s expertise in carbon farming to regenerate the land and protect native forest.
The Murrays can see their carbon project and their stocking enterprise complement each other. The additional income from the carbon project has helped significantly improve their infrastructure such as fencing and waterpoints, meaning they can spread grazing pressure and have more redundancy in waterpoints.
Even through the notorious Western NSW drought years, the Murray’s reported reasonable vegetation bounce back when the rains eventually came. They continue to see more small native marsupials on the property than before.
The Murrays invested their carbon money back into the local economy, purchasing local supplies and employing local contractors, most recently hiring a local couple to permanently work on the property.
Having survived for over 160 years, seven generations and many evolutions of farming practice the Murrays look set to continue their stewardship of Trilby with the next generation keen to take over the family business when the time comes.
Key Benefits
UN Sustainable
Development Goals

Avoided Deforestation 1.1 Methodology Determination 2015
Registered ID
Date registered
November 2014
Project area
13,631 ha
100 years
Louth, NSW