James is the Chief Executive and co-founder of GreenCollar.
James’ interests and expertise lie in exploring how environmental markets can offer innovative solutions that lead to real environmental, economic and social outcomes. He has been closely involved in the development of the Australian carbon market since its inception, as well as in the establishment of emerging markets in water quality, biodiversity and plastics. James has also been instrumental in instigating and leading initiatives such as development of carbon market voluntary code of practice, as well as the Reef Credit and NaturePlus® schemes.
James owns and operates Lot101 farms in the central tablelands, running cattle and sheep, as well as mixed horticulture and orcharding. In addition, he is the Executive Director of Lot101 hospitality, which operates the hatted restaurant, Megalong, and award-winning Megalong Valley Tea Rooms and WerriBerri.
James is also the co-founder, principal shareholder and Executive Director of Neumann Space, a high tech manufacturer of globally leading satellite propulsion systems based in Adelaide.