Lewis was one of the co founders of GreenCollar. Lewis was also one of the Directors of Terra Carbon, the investment arm of GreenCollar. Venturing into the Western Division of NSW, Lewis pioneered carbon as a viable alternative land use. He connected landholders with this new industry, negotiated the very first carbon agreements, lobbied government and handled some of the first over the counter carbon transactions with institutional buyers in the Australian market. It was this persistence and dedication that got the company firmly established as the market leader it is today.
A barrister by trade, Lewis practised for 20 years in equity, commercial and environmental law. Lewis was also a director of several public companies and advised governments and major corporations in South East Asia on emissions and environmental impacts. Lewis developed a range of protocols, policies, and strategies for compliance with the Australian Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative and speaks widely in Australia and overseas on environmental markets, the carbon economy and the carbon farming initiative.