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Eight things to know about Carbon Farming

3. Livestock and carbon farming can be carried out on the same land:

Carbon farming doesn’t mean you have to destock. We work with you to develop suitable grazing regimes that allow carbon projects and grazing operations to co-exist. Our goal is to keep your operation running at optimal capacity.

4. You can share the project risk and responsibilities:

The risks associated with undertaking a carbon farming project don’t have to lie solely with you. Under our model we are the project proponent – not you. This means we are partners with you throughout the life of the project. We look after project administration, monitoring and reporting and are responsible for meeting delivery obligations. This means we are incentivised to make the project work for you.

5. Carbon farming doesn’t mean locking up the land or being told what to do:

The choices you make about how you want to manage the land inform the design of your project. This determines the way your project is run and the overall value it brings to your business. Decision-making, land stewardship and implementation of the project is in your hands. At all times, it’s your business and your decisions.

6. Carbon farming isn’t limited to one type of country:

Land managers throughout every State and Territory are successfully running over 1000 different carbon projects. We work with you to identify nature-based methods that work on your country and with your operation.

7. Carbon farming offers traditional businesses the opportunity to diversify:

An additional and diversified income stream from carbon farming provides landholders with earnings that are not dependent on traditional agriculture markets. A regular supplementary income may give you more flexibility, financial resilience and the ability and to make timely decisions about the rest of your business.

8. With the right knowledge and support, carbon farming can be low-risk and improve long term health of the land:

There’s a lot to know and understand about carbon farming, but you don’t have to do it alone. We are carbon farming experts with lived experience of the land, and with over 200 projects across Australia, we’re thoroughly ‘paddock tested’. We pride ourselves on being open and honest, and are always ready to answer your questions at any stage in the process.

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