Case Studies

Browse our case studies from projects in NSW, VIC, WA and SA, using a range of methodologies including Avoided Deforestation, Avoided Clearing, and Human Induced Regeneration. These case studies demonstrate that GreenCollar carbon farming projects work successfully with traditional farming practices, increasing productivity and drought tolerance, as well as other environmental, economic and social benefits.



Kaleno Native Forest Protection Project

Pauline and Barry Oliver now have three carbon projects across two properties. They are protecting and regenerating native forest in NSW, and have taken their learnings to a run-down property purchased more recently in WA.

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Bourke Shire

Conlea Native Forest Protection Project

Peter is responsible for the management of over 6,500 hectares of established native forest, and is now regenerating and additional 12,000 hectares alongside his livestock, which he rotates on and off the project areas to manage grazing pressure.

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Bloodwood Native Forest Protection Project

Taking it’s name from the uniquely Australian tree that seems to ooze blood instead of sap, Bloodwood is host to a lake system that has the richest array of fairy shrimps, clam shrimps and shield shrimps in the world. As lifetime environmental advocates, it obviously held great appeal for Sue Hanson and her family, who took it over in 2008.

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Moolakar Human-Induced Regeneration Project

The Rosser family which includes Gary Rosser and husband and wife duo Mike and Lucy Rosser, are becoming old-hands at carbon farming. They are also huge advocates of the regenerative benefits that carbon projects bring to agriculture businesses as well as the financial benefit for regional communities.

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Walgett Shire

Far West Native Forest Protection Project

Like most landholders, the graziers behind the Far West Native Forest Protection Project “want to leave the land better than it was when we go.” And while landholders recognise that seasons rule what happens out west, they also recognise that there is lots they can do to improve how the landscape responds to those seasons.

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Pattison Native Forest Protection Project

Located near Louth, in Western New South Wales, Pattison has been home to a registered carbon project since 2015. Due to the project an area of native vegetation just over 4,000ha in size is now protected for 100 years.

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Maranoa Ecosystem Conservation Project #2

For the landholders of Abbieglassie in Maranoa, Queensland, the Maranoa Ecosystem Conservation Project came at just the right time, coinciding with the start of a drought in 2016. Their decision to commit to not clearing the carbon project area provided the business with a drought-proof income that allowed them to pay bills and push ahead with infrastructure upgrades using locally sourced labour and materials.

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Rose Isle

Rose Isle is a family run grazing operation near Louth in New South Wales. Garry and Samantha Mooring purchased the property from Garry’s parents in 1983 and now run sheep and cattle across the station while also regenerating close to 8,000ha of native vegetation.

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Lynwood Human-Induced Regeneration Project

Robin and Keryl Thorpe have run Lynwood, near Cobar in New South Wales, since 2006. The pair decided to partner with GreenCollar after attending a carbon farming seminar, appreciating that such projects would allow them to be kinder to the land while diversifying their income and reducing the need to rely so heavily on livestock.

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