NaturePlus™: A scientifically robust biodiversity credit scheme that values real, measurable results for nature
NaturePlus™ is a world-leading biodiversity credit scheme, developed by GreenCollar, that applies a scientifically robust environmental accounting framework to inform and incentivise evidence-based decision-making to achieve positive impacts for nature.
NaturePlus™ generates certified outcomes in the condition of native ecosystems, which are valued and rewarded with transferrable NaturePlus™ Credits.

Our aim is to achieve and maintain a net gain in the condition of native ecosystems, globally, by enabling scalable voluntary investment to be targeted at projects that continually demonstrate real, measurable, and verifiable biodiversity outcomes.
The NaturePlus™ Scheme presents a solution to the challenge of valuing and incentivising measurable outcomes for nature across native fauna and vegetation, soil, fresh water, costal and marine ecosystems.

NaturePlus™ incorporates three key design elements:
- Credits represent real outcomes: Many payments for biodiversity outcomes are based on actions are carried out with a view to restoring biodiversity in the future. NaturePlus™ Credits are only awarded to projects that have already delivered third-party audited and certified restoration in environmental condition.
- NaturePlus™ incentivises long-term and continuous adaptive improvement: With a unique continuous crediting approach NaturePlus™ is designed to improve environmental condition and maintain improved condition long-term by creating a mechanism that rewards and protects gains. Adaptive management, informed by measurement of environmental condition, enables land managers to respond to changing ecosystem needs.
- A total ecosystem solution: NaturePlus™ is designed to work with methods that span native vegetation, fauna, soil, fresh water and marine environments.
How NaturePlus™ measures the biodiversity outcomes of ecosystem services
NaturePlus™ projects benchmark, measure and track environmental condition using the widely respected Accounting for Nature® framework, with each project underpinned by a publicly available environmental account. Projects must meet a minimum level of condition to be eligible, and demonstrate progressive measured environmental restoration to be awarded credits. Once condition has reached a sustainable level, projects switch to conservation and must remain above that level to continue crediting.
Positive outcomes from NaturePlus™ projects are monitored, measured, third party audited and then certified under the Accounting for Nature® framework before NaturePlus™ Credits are issued, thereby ensuring the scheme both delivers and maintains incremental gains for nature.
Each NaturePlus™ Credit represents one hectare of measured and verified active restoration or conservation of habitat or species.

Testing and Validation
20 NaturePlus™ pilot projects are in progress in partnership with land managers in Australia. These projects adapt land management practices to restore and maintain environmental condition for native ecosystems, habitat, and threatened species.
Key benefits
NaturePlus™ Credits provide a meaningful pathway to support and maintain measurable action on biodiversity across a range of ecosystems and achieve nature positive outcomes that last.
- Incremental Gains for Nature
- Recognising Environmental Stewardship and Ecosystem Services
- Tangible Outcomes
Each NaturePlus™ Credit represents a one-hectare area of measured, audited and certified restoration or conservation of environmental condition over one year. The outcomes include:
- reduced loss and degradation of natural habitats
- improved connectivity and resilience of ecosystems
- improvement of native habitat and ongoing maintenance of healthy ecosystems and communities.
- Rewarding continuous nature positive land management
- incentivising adaptive land management practice long term
- creating opportunities to scale long term investment in nature positive outcomes.
- Reversing loss and degradation of natural habitat and species
- delivering independently audited and verified outcomes
- restoration and conservation of priority landscapes and species.

Work with us
NaturePlus™ projects are designed to bring new credits to market that value and incentivise long-term and continuous gains for nature. Investment in NaturePlus™ Credits is available. Please contact us to find out more.